Water flooding issues


I hope everyone is doing great!

The purpose of this note is to share evidence of the water flooding issues we have in the units around 7035. I have been waiting to see if the HOA is planning to take action but it seems like there’s no action plans to take and solve these issues around my condo and I would like to raise my hand as these issues are now impacting me directly. I recently remodeled my condo and I’m now experiencing excess humidity in all of the walls which is a pain and a waste of money if the root cause of the issue is not fixed.

How can I take this to the HOA so we can plan for a definitive fix and execute it asap during the dry season.

P.S: I have pictures and videos of these issues that I was not able to load to this page but that I can share with everyone as proof of these issues.

Thanks in advance,

Douglas Castro.

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2023.07 Treasurer’s Report

Hello Members,

We are getting a lot done during the offseason, so our cash flow is tight. Thank you all for making your payments on time each month, it really makes our budgeting easier!

We  of  had  83 of the 88 units pay the month of July. Our 2023 Budget was estimated based on 86 of 88 units paying. We have one owner that is $1012.16 past due. Not cooperating with requests for payment, it has been turned over to the CPA for debt certification, which is the first step in legal collection.

We are watching spending very closely, no overtime for the grounds crew staff.

Our 2023 Annual budget that past at the AGM was the one that included the $20.00 increase which began March 1. Several emails and statements have been sent to these units that have not made the adjustment and are past due:

7005 $105.39

7017 $100.61

The past due list as of July 31:

7010 $250.00

7020 $1012.16

8035 $240.00

Total Short term past due $1708.16

I am happy to work with owners to make arrangements. Reminder again, you receive a monthly invoice from our accountant for the current month’s dues around the 1st of the month and Treasurer sends HOA Statements after the 15th. Dues are always due on the 1st and considered past due on the 15th.

7009 is still in negotiation process for a settlement after all these years. Our HOA attorney is working through the group that owns this one. There is a mortgage on this unit and the bank that holds that mortgage has gotten the legal process to the court and are awaiting a date for the auction to be scheduled.

8034 is an issue that we are proceeding with legal action. The outstanding balance outstanding is $2036.30 has been certified by Castro CPA, our auditor. Presented to the court for approval, continuing to wait for the response from the court to proceed with their part.

Fondos (Savings accounts).

Liquidation/Insurance Fondo – Opening balance:$4451.91, deposit $362.80, interest $11.76 withdraw $2141.57 ending balance $2684.89.

Muni Fondo – Opening balance:$71,984.09, interest $193.40,  ending balance $72,177.49.

Reserve Fondo – Opening balance:$101,565.45 deposit $1,500.00, interest $276.65, ending balance $103,342.10.

AyA Fondo — Opening balance:$45,376.86, interest $121.92, ending balance $45,498.78.

There were one withdrawals from the Liquidation Fondo account this month. This was for one employee.

General checking account — Opening balance: $39,457.85, ending balance $37,134.98. Prepaid HOA dues: $25,947.86, not available until month dues are paid, leaving an available balance of $11,187.12. See the budget recap posted separately for the income and expense breakdowns.

Colonies checking account — Opening balance: 21,844.12 colones; ending balance 153,470.32.  (Approximate value $281.62.) Unit 7007 is owned by the bank which is the only deposit into this account.

BNCR_2023-07  BNCR_2023-07c  BAN REC JULY 2022

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To the HOA Board and all owners

Heartfelt appreciation to our HOA board members for volunteering your time, effort for several terms, in getting a lot of work done quietly. Along with the staff give us a well maintained and secured complex to enjoy.

The alternate budget ( budget #2) has been on our yearly budget presentation for a number of years.
It is for in case we don’t have any like minded volunteers who will step up to take over our Board responsibilities. Then we have no choice but to get a property manager (Budget #2).
To all our owners, please fulfill each of your obligations by paying your monthly dues on time, to check your condo regularly by having condo care, or other arrangement.
For those owners that rent out, choose your tenants well. Not to over crowd your unit. Villa La Colina is not party central. It is a beautiful oasis, a home away from home, for a number of owners, this is their home.

Posted in Open comment | 2 Comments

Reminder: 2023.02.15 Annual General Meeting

2023 GA meeting

Condominium Horizontal Vertical Residential Dolce Vita Corporation #3-109-482971 Annual General Assembly Meeting will be held: Dolce Vita Villa La Colina Midtier area Wednesday February 15, 2023 First call 9:00am – Second call 10:00am

Just a note, to view the 2023 agenda, click on 2023. To view the Proposals and Budgets, click on the links. There are two Proxy forms, one is English and one is Spanish, click on which one you want to use.

Agenda      AGM 2023 Agenda En  AGM 2023 Agenda Es

Proposals AGM 2023 Proposals
Budget      AGM 2023 Budget

Elected HOA board members

President –
Secretary –
Treasurer –

General Assembly meeting minutes:
Minutas AGM 2023 es
Minutes AGM 2023 en

General Assembly meeting voted:
– Budget #1:
– Budget #2:

AGM 2023 Proposals
Proposal Voting Ballot


Proxy templates
AGM 2023 ProxyS   AGM 2023 ProxyE
Your HOA board.

Posted in HOA board | 8 Comments

Water will be delivered around noon.

Water truck has left the building!  Delivered! Please conserve, thank you for your patience.


Good afternoon,

Water truck is stuck behind much traffic. Should be here soon. Thanks for your patience.


Good morning,

Infinity is out of water as well has low pressure. Other areas are almost out as well. Please conserve for the good of the community.

Thanks for your patience and cooperation.

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