Last Updated on 3 years by 7036
Hello all,
It is hard to believe that we are in the closing month of 2021. I hope you are all in good spirits. Let’s hope that 2022 is in more normal year than the two years that just passed.
Be well, and stay safe.
“Diputados agiliza uso del silencio positivo para trámites y permisos El proyecto aprobado promete reducir la tramites en la administración pública”.
“Deputies streamline the use of positive silence for procedures and permits. The approved project promises to reduce paperwork in the public administration”.
The link for a full information (below) will be in comment section.
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Coopeguanacaste R.L also installed two other fast chargers in the offices of the electric cooperative in Paquera and Nicoya.
Municipalidad de Carrillo
December 3 at 12:15 PM ·
Evitá depositar vidrios u objetos punzocortantes en tus bolsas de residuos.
♻️✅ Recordá la importancia de reciclar y reutilizar, no todo es “basura”, cuidemos el planeta y a nuestros colaboradores, por esta causa algunos han sufrido accidentes.
Municipality of Carrillo
December 3 at 12:15 PM
Avoid depositing glass or sharp objects in your waste bags.
♻️✅ Remember the importance of recycling and reusing, not everything is “garbage”, let’s take care of the planet and our collaborators, for this cause some have suffered accidents.
-El Gobierno de Costa Rica mediante la directriz Nº 127-MIDEPLAN-MTS concedió como vacaciones para las personas servidoras públicas los días 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30 y 31 en diciembre de 2021, así como los días 3 y 4 de enero de 2022.
-The Government of Costa Rica through directive No. 127-MIDEPLAN-MTS granted as vacations for public servants the days 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 in December 2021, as well as days 3 and 4 of January 2022.
This is how the reform that simplifies procedures will benefit users.
-The national catalog of procedures is strengthened and positive silence is expanded.
Así beneficiará a los usuarios la reforma que simplifica trámites
-Se fortalece el catalogo nacional de tramites y se amplia el silencio positivo.
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Oct 16, 2021 — Así beneficiará a los usuarios la reforma que simplifica trámites … organismo al cual recientemente se adhirió Costa Rica, ha indicado que …