
This page includes answers on questions received by webmaster. Please read carefully before submitting a new question.

To log-in:
Click on the “Login” link in the menu and type in your user name and password. This will bring you to your profile page, where you can control your settings.
You can change the color scheme, your screen name (nickname),  display name (from a drop down box), email address… Please choose a screen name, as a number in your comments is not a nice option.
It is important to have a correct and recent email address, as in case you forget your password, you will need your email address on file to reset your password. the one with your unit number and is fake, to let to create your account.
If you did not receive your log in information yet, please send a note with your unit number to webmaster or HOA administration to get a temporary log in.

Some members do not get emails due to the spamming by yahoo, hotmail or AOL. The first step to eliminate this is to add the email address to your address book in your email client. If this doesn’t help, please contact your email service provider.

To access the site from the dashboard:
Just click on the “La Colina” link on the left top corner of the screen.

To log-out or edit your profile:
Hover the mouse pointer on the avatar in the right top corner of the screen and click on desired option.

To recover a lost password:
Please click on the “Lost your password?” link on the login page. You will receive an email with the recovery link. Just click on the recovery link and you will be redirected to setting a new password. Some email clients or browsers do not properly translate the instructions in the link and produce an error. In this case please copy the link (make sure you copy the whole address) and paste it in a browser of your choice. Follow the instructions.
If you are still having problems recovering your password, please send an email to the webmaster and your password will be reset and you will receive an email with temporary password that you must change in your profile at your first login.

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