Making payments

In this help topic we will explain how to make payments using the BNCR online access.

You need to go to to access the login page. You must type in your identification number, the one that was given to the bank when you opened the account. Please remember that if your ID was your passport, it will be disabled as soon as your passport expires. The same it true for any other ID that has an expiration date. The corporation IDs do not expire if the corporation was not dissolved.

If you login via your PC you will need the OTP code generator to enter whenever requested by the application. If you use your smartphone app there will be no need to enter OTP code.

Click on [Pagos] > [Impuestos] > [Impuesto a las Personas Jurídicas]
Here you can pay your corporation tax. Just enter your corporation ID (digits only) and you will see if any amount is pending.

Click on [Pagos] > [Municipalidades] > [Guanacaste] > [Carillo] > [Pago Total]
Here you can pay your full owed property tax. Just enter your ID and hit enter.
For partial payment use [Pago Parcial] instead of [Pago Total]

In any of the above cases: if no payment results are displayed or an error message is displayed  after you hit the enter button it means there is no payment record.  two possibilities: either you have already paid it or the invoice was not registered with the BNCR yet.


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