Last Updated on 2 years by Brad & Gretchen
2023 GA meeting
Condominium Horizontal Vertical Residential Dolce Vita Corporation #3-109-482971 Annual General Assembly Meeting will be held: Dolce Vita Villa La Colina Midtier area Wednesday February 15, 2023 First call 9:00am – Second call 10:00am
Just a note, to view the 2023 agenda, click on 2023. To view the Proposals and Budgets, click on the links. There are two Proxy forms, one is English and one is Spanish, click on which one you want to use.
Agenda AGM 2023 Agenda En AGM 2023 Agenda Es
Proposals AGM 2023 Proposals
Budget AGM 2023 Budget
Elected HOA board members
President –
Secretary –
Treasurer –
General Assembly meeting minutes:
Minutas AGM 2023 es
Minutes AGM 2023 en
General Assembly meeting voted:
– Budget #1:
– Budget #2:
AGM 2023 Proposals
Proposal Voting Ballot
Proxy templates
AGM 2023 ProxyS AGM 2023 ProxyE
Your HOA board.
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Hello Members,
I want to personally thank you all for the overwhelming support, through the AGM vote. There are 2 very important reasons I continue to run, the passion for this complex to fulfil our permit process and staff that have been loyal and dedicated to La Colina.
Thank you again
I have noticed this is the 2nd year in a row that a budget proposal is requesting a Property Manager. Because we are not down there to be able to attend the AGM why is there a need to think about getting a Property Manager for the corporation after all this time?
Who should I send my proxy to? I looked at the budget and there is new expense for Property manager. Why do we need Property manager now?
Hello Irina,
Sorry for the late response, I can take your proxy, if you so wish. Do you have a Corporation, if not fill in the proxy and send a cope of your passport. If you have a corporation taxes must be paid, same documents as above but you will need a personeria.
I trust this helps
Hello HOA Board…. This has 2 Proposals and the 2 Budgets but I do not see the 3 Candidates who are currently running?????
Nop problem. It is on the upper right hand corner of this page. Right below the proposals and the Budget and above the “Elected HOA board members.
Thanks Brad
Hello HOA Board,
I have 2 questions regarding the voting procedures. Currently each Candidate is running uncontested ( I thank each of you for stepping up and doing so) but I feel making the ballot a yes or no vote could potentially have 1 or all 3 candidates receiving more no votes than yes votes. Would this leave a vacancy for the positions? ARTICLE FIFTEEN: The members of the Management Board will be THREE: a President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. They will last in their functions for a year and they can be reelected. Also having a yes or no vote on each of the Budget Proposals could mean both do not pass. Would this mean we would then continue using our current budget?