Water flooding issues

Last Updated on 1 year by 7035


I hope everyone is doing great!

The purpose of this note is to share evidence of the water flooding issues we have in the units around 7035. I have been waiting to see if the HOA is planning to take action but it seems like there’s no action plans to take and solve these issues around my condo and I would like to raise my hand as these issues are now impacting me directly. I recently remodeled my condo and I’m now experiencing excess humidity in all of the walls which is a pain and a waste of money if the root cause of the issue is not fixed.

How can I take this to the HOA so we can plan for a definitive fix and execute it asap during the dry season.

P.S: I have pictures and videos of these issues that I was not able to load to this page but that I can share with everyone as proof of these issues.

Thanks in advance,

Douglas Castro.

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